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  • Publication Name: Tally Accounting
  • Publication Category: Book
  • Publication Date: December 2019
  • Co-Ordinator: Deepak Raj Giri
  • View More

In today’s computer-driven society, more knowledge of applications, used in daily routine is not sufficient. To become the complete master of your PC, you must also know about computer hardware, networking and troubleshooting.


In this book you will learn how to quantitatively analyze the performance, reliability, maintainability, and availability of computers, networks, and software in relation to the total system. Numerous quantitative examples are provided to help the reader understand and interpret model results.


It’s a matter of proud and immense pleasure for me to present the First Edition of Hardware and Networking course. I would like to express my gratitude to my collaborate or members Mr. Sewak Kshitiz, Mr. Rajendra Sharma, Mr. Deepak Raj Giri and Mr. Dinesh Tamang for their contribution in writing the book. Besides, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to book publication team, all the members of CAN Federation- Kaski. I can’t wait to express vote of thanks to all followers of the book, direct and indirect supporters, advertising medias and the printing house for the print.

Lastly, I humbly request all our readers to provide constructive suggestions and feedback for improvement of the book.